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Vadodara Enviro channel Limited vision is to pursue innovation in infrastructure and services for conveyance of treated wastewater as also providing related environmental engineering and environmental management consultancy services.

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Mission of  Vadodara Enviro Channel Limited is to provide dedicated infrastructure and services in safe,reliable,efficient and environmentally sound manner for:

  • Conveyance of treated waste water .
  • Related environmental engineering and management consultancy through partnership with our member industries and other stackeholders.
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Conveyance of treated waste water

Vadodara Enviro Channel Limited (VECL) is in the business of Conveyance of the treated wastewater for more than 250 Industrial Units in and around Vadodara District of Gujarat State through the 55 km long Channel and safely disposing the same into the Bay of Cambay.

Vadodara Enviro Channel Limited has built its reputation by successfully conveying the treated wastewater since last 30 years. Dedicated to the protection and preservation of the nearby Environment and a standard of excellence, our team and in-house management collectively represent a wealth of experience.

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Clean Environment All over The World

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Analysis of Water & Waste Water Samples 444444

VECL has renovated the entire Laboratory and equipped it with critical instument for the correct measurement of the different pollutants.

VECL had also recruited qualified Environmental Chemist for the detail analysis of the wastewater for the member industries. As on today VECL analyzes more than 200 waste water samples each month for diffrent parameters. Thus the capability of VECL laboratory has reached up to the requvired standard level.

Vadodara Enviro Channel Limited ———- Healing the Environment since last 14 years.

VECL is in the process of obtaining approvals for its laboratory fom the State Pollution Control Borad and from the MoEF- New Delhi and finally from NABL.Once VECL obtain this approvals, analysis of the sample can be start with reasonable fees, which will increase its revenue substantially as well as recognition.

These activies also help to maintain the consistency on the quality of the treated wastewater disposed at the bay of Khambhat.

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Green Audit

VECL’s Green Audit covers the entire process cycle of the Manufacturing industries. The main benefit of this audit is the optimization of the Resources consumed and the smooth operation of the different process,which ultimately reduce the overall impacts on the environment.

Green audit also is the process of assessing the environmental impacts of its activities or of a particular product or process.

Vadodara Enviro Channel Limited ———- Healing the Environment since last 14 years.

For example, a green audit of a manufactured product looks at the impact of production (including energy use and the extraction of raw material used in manufacture), use (which may cause pollution and other hazards) and disposal (potential of recycling and whatsoever waste causes pollution).

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Recycle of Treated waste water

VECL has a great potential to recycle about 20 to 30 MLD water (after certain treatments) at the nearby Industrial belt for the off-grade requirement.

Simultaneously VECL reduce the hydraulic load on the conveying systems,there by making it possible for newer industries to be inducted as member.

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Environmental Consultancy

Since last one year VECL specially observed that most of the VECL members are not at all equipped for the real Environmental solution. Even some of the small and medium scale industries are not aware of how to fill the CCA form, monthly reports as well the routine submission to the Statutory Authorities.

Most of the VECL members (Except big one) are till not aware about the Environmental Due Diligence and thereforce had face lots of Environmental liability issues.

Vadodara Enviro Channel Limited ———- Healing the Environment since last 18 years.

As on today VECL provides a few Environmetal Management services, free of cost. Some of the Members have banefitted form the free services provided by VECL. Thus considering the rich experience and the correct understanding of the environmental issues, VECL is well positioned and capable of providing real solutions of various Environmental Problems faced by the Members as well as Non Member Industries.

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Waste Exchange Databank

Waste of one industry could be the Raw Material of another Industry. Also, certain quality of waste material may be use as a fuel by other industry. Keeping this in mind, VECL intends to provide a platform to all those industries wanting to the burden on environment.

Vadodara Enviro Channel Limited ———- Healing the Environment since last 18 years.

VECL plays the role of Facilitator and generates revenue also by helping both the industries

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Rain Water Harvesting

After the installing two rain water harvesting system, VECL got an opportunity to learn a lesson how to re mediate the contaminated ground water.

Vadodara Enviro Channel Limited ———- Healing the Environment since last 18 years.

VECL’s Technical personnel are fully equipped to provide solutions for any rain water harvesting project.

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Analysis of Waste Water Samples

VECL has renovated the entire Laboratory and equipped it with critical instrument for the correct measurement of the different pollutants.

VECL had also recruited qualified Environmental Chemist for the detail analysis of the wastewater for the member industries. As on today VECL analyzes more than 200 waste water samples each month for different parameters. Thus the capability of VECL laboratory has reached up to the required standard level.

Vadodara Enviro Channel Limited ———- Healing the Environment since last 18 years.

VECL is in the process of obtaining approvals for its laboratory from the State Pollution Control Board and from the MoEF- New Delhi and finally from NABL.Once VECL obtain this approvals, analysis of the sample can be start with reasonable fees, which will increase its revenue substantially as well as recognition.

These activities also help to maintain the consistency on the quality of the treated wastewater disposed at the bay of Khambhat.

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